Wednesday, 1 April 2009

...that Interactive maps would be useful for Geography

After linking this topic to our presentation, and the wonderful feedback we received from Rachael and the group, it was felt that this worked really well in the topic and would benefit children's geographical skills!

However, one question that I would like to pose is, do we as teacher's have to ensure that there is one place to do it on? Is this empowering? Our task was to create an interactive map of the campus, however, one group went one step further and did a brilliant one of their home. It was funny, enjoyable and well made. Could children do this? Or would it take away from the possible skills they can build up from doing it in a specific place?

I think teacher's have to consider why doing something will benefit the child more so than anything else, but in todays world, where we wish to empower, we have to get children to being doing this critically themselves.

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