Tuesday, 3 March 2009

...that he should post about all of the thoughts and ideas he has had over the course of this ICT module!

As I have wained with my vigilance on ensuring that I have been updating this blog every week, I am going to go over all my notes and thoughts and ideas that I have jotted down, and bring them to you, the reader of my blog.

So, to become a 'pioneer' of the internet, you must be a user of Web 2.0 technology in this day and age. Facebook, Myspace, Blogger, Youtube etc, all sites that I use without thought. They are easy to follow and use, and can allow you to 'put yourself' in thoughts, videos, pictures, information etc to the World via the World Wide Web. Blogger is a fantastic tool, as I have seen from everyone's blogs, as it allows you to give simple videos, links and ideas to others, sharing what you have found out.

However, there are clearly some dangers with this in the Primary Classroom. You wouldn't give a 6 year old facebook for example. The benefits are huge, when facilitated properly by the school and the teachers, for children to be able to interact in a virtual world, allowing learning, interacting and socialising to happen outside of the everyday classroom situation.

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